Saturday, September 10, 2005

New Lives Everywhere

Congratulations to Peter's sisters Madeleine and Esther on the arrival of their new babies! Madeleine and Dave's lovely baby daughter Lisa Zoe Van Pelt arrived on 6th September, shortly followed on the 11th by Esther and Ed's little cutie Kjell.

I'm going to have to work on my babysitting skills because something tells me I'm going to need them soon. My twin sister and her husband Neil are expecting at Christmas time and my good friend Alex and his wife Julia are due to deliver any day now.

New to this World in June this year were Vicki and Phil's little Laurence and Suzi and Richard's little Alexa Mia. I'm looking forward to meeting them next time I'm in the UK.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Katie Couric knows nothing about publishing
Sometime literary badboy Bret Easton Ellis was on the Today show recently, and he's pretty upset over how it went.
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