Monday, February 19, 2007

Skinless Wonder

It's been too long since I blogged.
Since then there's been Christmas, New Year, a ski trip, a weekend in Edinburgh, countless days in Hoofddorp (waiting, waiting, waiting for those keys...) snow, speed-dating, weird-dating, pancake-making, corpse-viewing (yes really), excessive chocolate eating (then many hours of training to get rid of the results), hip-hop dancing, bad-taste parties, and all manner of weird and wonderful things that have all gone unrecorded.

I'm not even going to attempt to tackle the whole list, but I will mention a little about those corpses! It's a strange way to spend a Saturday night, but me and my friend Elise went to see the 'Bodies' Exhibition in Amsterdam last weekend. For those who haven't heard of this, it's a display of dead bodies that have been plasticised and preserved for the 'entertainment' and education of the public. When I put it like this, it sounds pretty sick, but it was incredible to see the layers of the body peeled away. I have always been fascinated by muscles and bones, but I did feel sorry for the poor guy that ended up being posed in the undignified role of 'skinless darts player'. I'm not sure I'd want to donate my body to medical science only to be stuck eternally trying to hit a bullseye. All he needed was a pint of beer and the effect would be complete.


Nic said...

I saw the New York exhibition of this last Easter. I also found it fascinating (especially the circulatory system!) Unsurprisingly, there was no darts player, but I felt some sympathy for the basketball player...

Lucy said...

Yes! That circulatory system was amazing wasn't it?? I didn't realise that we had wire-wool density of blood vessels! How anyone managed to preserve just the vessels and get rid of the rest of the gunk is also pretty impressive!