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I moved to Amsterdam from the UK in March 2003 and sometimes weird things happen to me. I'd like to share some of my adventures with you.

Saturday, July 31, 2004

Mosquito Hunter

When I first moved into the new apartment my upstairs neighbours (Olivier and Solveen) sent me a message saying 'welcome to a little bit of Paradise in Amsterdam' and I can see what they mean. Good apartments in my price range are like gold dust in Amsterdam; unless you’re one of those lucky people who can afford to cough up a few thousand Euro a month for a swanky canal-side pad you normally have to make do with something in the ‘pokey’ range.

This place has ceilings so high that I feel like a goldfish who’s been living in a little bowl for months and has suddenly been let out into the ocean to swim. Peter doesn’t have to duck to get through the door frames. You can sit in the garden and listen to the birds singing as you enjoy a morning cup of tea and forget that you’re in the middle of Amsterdam, yet within five minute’s walk outside of the front door there’s a bustling market and all the cafes and shops you could ever wish for.

Before I start sounding like I’m selling the place, I might add that there is a downside to this place. The thing is, animals seem to love it as much as I do. Every night I become Mosquito Hunter. I perch on the window ledge in the bedroom armed with my special ‘mossie killer magazine’ (this thing is so disgusting – it’s covered with the squashed bodies of a few dozen of them already) whacking the ceiling as one of the little critters buzzes past. Of course, it doesn’t matter how many I kill before the light goes out, one always tries to go potholing into my ear as soon as I drop off to sleep. I can live with the spiders, flies, next door’s cat and even the occasional mouse, but I am on a one-woman mission to clear the place of damn mozzies.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Naughty Blogger

I know, I know....
It's inexcusable. I am a naughty blogger and promise to do better in the future. I have left my blog in my virtual attic recently, but have now been up to retrieve it, blow off the dust and start up again.

This morning I recieved an email from Brasil asking what happened to my blog (a much needed kick up the backside - thanks Andrew!). The shock of realising that people actually read this thing has sent me into a flurry of activity. So here I am wondering where to start because so much has happened in the past few months.

As I enter my second year here the weird and wonderful sights of Amsterdam now seem like part of my 'normal' everyday life. Not that I like the City any less. Infact, my love affair with this place continues to develop.

I've been tucked up in a cozy little one bedroom appartment in Balistraat (in the East of Amsterdam) for a couple of months. However, as from the beginning of July I've been cycling home to the Pijp where I have managed to find a place with a rather comfy sofa, a garden full of birds and a big wooden floor (perfect for dancing). Once more, I am totally in love with an appartment that isn't mine (there's a strong possibility that I have to move again in a couple of months) but at least this time I get to share it with a lovely Dutch boy!

Yes, I know... big changes! I am officially samen woning (co-habiting) and it's all very gezellig (cozy!). If I have to move my cardboard boxes once more I'm going to completely lose my sanity, so I want everyone to keep their fingers crossed for me that I get a proper year-long contract.

So what other news is there?

1. My twin sister and good friend Suzi are both now married women (promise to post some pictures at some point).

2. I've managed to get myself an overnight 20% pay-cut thanks to the wonders of the Dutch tax system (long and horrible story).

3. I have survived a whole year without being locked in any bathroom.

4. I can now ask directions in Dutch and almost understand the response. Sometimes I even understand the recorded phone options when I call the bank. Sometimes.

5. I can do a somersault on a trampoline.

6. I've been bitten by a mosquito at least 50 times already this year.

7. I've been spending lots of time running round Vondelpark in preparation for this year's Dam tot Dam. Sometimes I even break an unspoken runners code that seems to exist and run round it clockwise...

8. I've learned how to make excellent pancakes.

9. I've just worked out how to use the internet banking passcodes that were sent to me a YEAR ago.

10.  Oh... and fallen in love...!

More soon... promise!