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I moved to Amsterdam from the UK in March 2003 and sometimes weird things happen to me. I'd like to share some of my adventures with you.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Scary Women

With the aid of a nasty cheap wig, white face paint and some clothes from the back of my wardrobe, I was transformed last night into a vision of gothic loveliness. Actually, I looked like a total freak, but that's okay because I was going to a Halloween party with an Addam's Family theme. Seemed like a good idea at the time, as did the seven glasses of 'blood' red wine that I quaffed, but today I'm feeling a bit queasy. Must have been the bat burger I ate after midnight.

Here I am pictured with fellow hags Elise (Morticia) and Laurie (Wednesday). More Pics HERE.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Crossing the line again

I did it! My first Half Marathon. All 21km (13 miles) of it! It took 2 hrs and 5 mins. It felt great, and I'm once again grateful for the company of my race-buddy Mairead who kept my mind off my aching legs. Race videos of our victorious finish can be found here.

Friday, October 06, 2006

The Return of the Apartment Fairy

All change.

I'm crashing at my sister's place in London this week and am enjoying some time-out from the blur of changes that have been rapidly taking place in my life since I got back from France four weeks ago.

As I am now zonder Nederlander , I'm having to adjust to a 'single girl in Amsterdam' status again. It's sad, exciting, scary, liberating and strange all at once.

As much as I love our apartment, it is definitely a place for a two-person budget, so my first move was to engage in a flurry of property viewings, which made for a couple of crazy (and at times downright depressing) weeks but by luck my 'apartment fairy' waved her magic wand once more, and I stumbled across a lovely little one bedroom place near the Westerpark, which instantly shouted 'buy me, buy me'. So I did. As simply as that, I find myself a home-owner. Well, I will be by Summer next year (the current owners are due to move on by the end of April). In the meantime I am continuing the hunt for a temporary place to stay.

So I'm turning the page and starting a fresh chapter of my Amsterdam Adventures and am looking forward to creating my own story. Watch this space!