Sunday, October 05, 2003

Party Time Again

Some friends from work invited me to a housewarming/birthday party last night out in West Amsterdam.

Another cool apartment to hang out in and the chance to drink too much rode wijn (red wine) and talk nonsense! I discussed the rules of pig hockey with a Dutch farmer, mourned the tragic decline of Millie Vannillie with a guy in a pink jumper from Glasgow and ate far too many cheese cubes/pineapple chunks on sticks.

Unfortunately I had to run Cinderella-like at midnight to catch the last 'pumpkin' tram back to Centraal in order to get the notorious 1:06 train to Zaandam. I'm sure I wasn't hallucinating when I noticed that I was sharing the carriage with a man dressed as a giant turtle (complete with green face and large shell). He was shortly joined by his friends... one dressed as a tiger, another as a lion. There must have been some pretty strange theme parties going on.

Only in Amsterdam.....

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